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Know about Robert Boyle : The Man of Science

Robert Boyle, (born January 25, 1627, Lismore Castle, County Waterford, Ireland—died December 31, 1691, London, England), Anglo-Irish natural philosopher and theological writer, a preeminent figure of 17th-century intellectual culture.

His father was Richard Boyle, who had arrived from England in 1588 with a modest sum of money. Through a good marriage and a high level of business acumen he had grown immensely wealthy and become a large-scale landowner. With land ownership came the aristocratic title Earl of Cork. The land he bought had been confiscated from rebellious Irish noblemen and commoners by the army of Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was also Queen of Ireland.

Robert’s mother was Catherine Fenton, born in Ireland to a wealthy English family. Her father became Secretary of State in Ireland.

Robert was his parents’ fourteenth child. In his infancy he was sent to live with a poor Irish family. His father preferred his children to spend their early years this way, believing it toughened them up. Robert developed a stutter in this time.

Robert’s mother died when he was just two years old, and he never knew her. Some time after his mother’s death he returned to the family home, where he was tutored in French and Latin. He particularly enjoyed learning French

He became increasingly interested in carrying out scientific experiments and studying scientific literature. He equipped a laboratory in 1646/7 and also began traveling to London for meetings with the ‘Philosophical College,’ a group dedicated to experimental science and the exchange of scientific ideas.

Like many budding scientists of his time, Robert Boyle tried his hand at alchemy. Not surprisingly, he was unsuccessful in his attempts to discover the Philosophers’ Stone: he described these attempts as ‘chemistry.’

Well, I see I am not designed to the finding out the Philosophers Stone, I have been so unlucky in my first attempts in chemistry.


He made significant contributions to various scientific fields and is best known for Boyle’s Law, which describes the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas.

Here are some key facts about Robert Boyle:

  1. Early Life and Education: Robert Boyle was born on January 25, 1627, in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland, into an affluent Anglo-Irish family. He was the seventh son of Richard Boyle, the 1st Earl of Cork. Boyle received a broad education, including studies in philosophy, theology, and languages.
  2. Scientific Career: Boyle dedicated his life to scientific pursuits. He conducted numerous experiments and investigations, covering various fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine, and biology. His work focused on the experimental method and the importance of quantitative measurements.
  3. Boyle’s Law: In 1662, Boyle published “The Sceptical Chymist,” a groundbreaking work that challenged the traditional views on alchemy and laid the foundation for modern chemistry. It was in this book that he presented Boyle’s Law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume when the temperature is kept constant.
  4. Chemical Elements: Boyle is credited with distinguishing between compounds and chemical elements. He conducted experiments with various substances, including gases, and described their behavior. His work helped pave the way for the development of the concept of chemical elements.
  5. Air Pump: Boyle collaborated with the engineer Robert Hooke to develop an air pump, which is now known as the Boyle-Hooke vacuum pump. This device allowed Boyle to conduct experiments on the properties of air and the effects of reducing atmospheric pressure.
  6. Royal Society: Boyle was a founding member of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge (commonly known as the Royal Society). He actively participated in the society’s activities and served as its president from 1680 to 1682.
  7. Contributions to Medicine: Boyle’s interest in medicine led him to conduct experiments and observations in the field. He made significant contributions to pharmacology, anesthesia, and the study of human anatomy. He also advocated for the use of controlled experiments in medical research.
  8. Religious Views: Boyle was a deeply religious man and saw no conflict between his scientific pursuits and his faith. He believed that studying the natural world would reveal the wonders of God’s creation. In his will, Boyle established the Boyle Lectures, which aimed to defend the Christian religion against atheism and heresy.
  9. Legacy: Robert Boyle’s contributions to science had a profound impact on the development of modern chemistry and physics. His emphasis on experimentation, precise measurements, and the scientific method laid the groundwork for future scientific advancements. Today, he is regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of science.
  10. Honors: Boyle’s work and achievements were widely recognized during his lifetime. He received numerous honors and awards, including being elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society and being appointed as the official chemist of the King of England.

Robert Boyle’s dedication to scientific inquiry and his pioneering contributions to various scientific disciplines have solidified his place in history as one of the leading figures of the scientific revolution.

Robert Boyle’s Biography

Robert Boyle’s Biography

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Robert Boyle famous for?

Robert Boyle was a 17th-century scientist and is considered by many to have been the first modern chemist. He is most famous for “Boyle’s Law,” a law which states the inverse relationship between volume and pressure in a gas (as long as temperature remains constant).

When did Robert Boyle discover Boyle’s Law?

Upon completion of his new and improved air pump in 1659, Robert Boyle completed several experiments related to air volume and air pressure. He published his results in 1660. It was around this time, within a letter to skeptic Francis Line, that Boyle first made mention of the relationship that would become Boyle’s Law.